Day Eight. Fu@ked Up the Butt.

Submitted by Robin Olson on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 15:29

I can't believe you are having so many car problems. I'm sorry to hear that your trip hasn't been going well. I guess my only suggestion is to try to "go with the flow" as much as possible. I know that sounds terribly "60's", but it's true. Also - what's this about "the walk of pain"? When you get home from your trip maybe you should start taking long walks for both exercise and for some mental clarity. I find that taking a long walk alone helps me clear my thoughts. It's just a suggestion...

Good luck and have safe trip home once your car is fixed.

Robin Olson

Tue, 10/21/2008 - 11:10

Hey Trevor,

I must say that there's a big difference between going for a long walk-which is not a problem for me, and walking on blistered feet, which is a problem. I still have one huge blister on my toe that has yet to heal, so thanks for the advice about exercising, but it's not really relevant here.

Headed home tomorrow...maybe.

Wow - that really sucks... and especially since you've been in such a reclusive state of mind lately, there must REALLY be some kind of lesson you're supposed to be learning from this now, eh? I know, I know - look who's talking, considering my current situation, but when things "fail" there's always a reason, a lesson, a cause.

Just make sure you've back in time to vote though!! Safe journeys! ;)

Apparently, somehow, some way, the Intake Air Mass Meter, which was replaced on Friday, failed on Saturday and has to be replaced AGAIN. This would have been not so bad IF they had LOOKED at my car on SATURDAY, when I had it towed into the shop, but no, they didn't look at it until today, found the failed part and now we wait until tomorrow for the part to arrive.


So do I spend $1200 to trailer my car back and spend $800 to fly home? It takes two weeks for the car to arrive so there'll be the expense of a rental, too. I called my insurance agent and there is no coverage for loss of use because there was no accident.

I asked; "So if I get pushed off the road by a semi-truck and into a ditch, I'm covered."

"Yep, no problem"

"and if I die, I'm covered."

"Sure if you have life insurance, but you don't have that with us, would you like to talk about adding that?"

"No thanks. Maybe later."

"Well have a nice day!"

"and fu@k you very much, too!"


Also, I just realized I'm starting to decorate my hotel room to make it more homey. Fu@k!

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